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Latte Blends

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chai spiced latte

Chai Latte is traditionally milky and sweet and this sweet treat delivers by the shed load. This delicious blend of sugar and spice is made from premium ingredients and is caffeine free, enjoy day or night. It is also vegan-friendly.

Just add hot milk and enjoy.

Blended in Australia using Imported Ingredients:
Panela Sugar (unrefined whole cane sugar), Cinnamon Powder, Star Anise, Cardamom Powder, Ground Cloves, Ginger Powder, Salt & Pepper

To brew: 1tsp tea per cup. Add hot milk of your choice. Stir & Enjoy

100g pouch

100g pouch $8.95

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organic turmeric latte

Enjoy all the immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory health benefits of turmeric and ginger in this quick and easy Latte blend . Sugar free with no caffeine and made only from organic spices, you can enjoy this guilt free treat any time of the day or night.

Just add hot milk, a little honey if you like and enjoy

Blended in Australia using Imported Organic Ingredients: Turmeric Powder, Ground Aniseed, Ginger, Stevia, Cardamom, Cinnamon Powder, Black Pepper

To brew: 1tsp tea per cup. Add hot milk of your choice. Stir & Enjoy

50g pouch $7.95